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Al Gore's Alter Ego: Cartoon Al Promotes "An Inconvenient Truth"

Al Gore has gone back to the small screen to help promote his big success on the big screen. As the "first emperor of the Moon" (when he appeared on TV's Futurama), he stretched out his cartoon acting legs; this time, he's back (along with robot Bender) to promote An Inconvenient Truth. As if we didn't all have good enough reason to see it, cartoon Al hypes his "hybrid pimp-mobile," fights robots and encourages recycling, all in the 1:23 clip. If you have yet to see "the movie that will make you feel like you should probably do something", we'd really encourage you to be a part of history, help insure the safety of our collective future, and check it out. Get all the info at climatecrisis.net, and enjoy cartoon Al in this clip.