Much has been made of Brad Pitt's involvement with Global Green's design competition for rebuilding a sustainable New Orleans (we've featured it not once, but twice) and the time has finally come to announce the winners. After months of planning, promoting and reviewing the designs, yesterday, they announced a winner. Congratulations to Andrew Kotchen and Matthew Berman of New York City!
Throughout it all, Pitt has been a tireless advocate for the sustainable design process, and the potential positive influence and results it can have on your house, too. This morning, on the "Today," he told Ann Curry, "You can cut your energy bill down 65 percent just by the way you position your house, the way you structure it for air flow and insulation and shielding from the sun, and again, the material that you use." Sounds like a man who knows his stuff. Awesome job, Brad! [Today] via [Ecorazzi]