Sublime Magazine, the first ethical lifestyle magazine (and OSSA Award nominee), has released a 28-page "Taster" Issue as a preview for the full 120 page version due out in January 2007. True to their word, Sublime is ethical all the way down to the paper; the magazine is printed on Emerald FSC made from up to 75% recycled post consumer waste and 25% FSC certified fiber. Tackling issues and subjects like aesthetic eco-friendly architecture, pedalling in style through various cities and autumn & winter fashion, the content appears right in line with the ethos. Damian Santamaria, co-director of Sublime, says, "our intention is to inspire and stimulate readers towards a more enriched, sustainable and virtuous lifestyle, without resorting to campaigning or lobbying." Sounds great -- we'll look forward to the real deal next year. [Sublime Magazine] via [TreeHugger]