[sslog]the sustainable style weblog

Reminder: SSF Hosting Seattle Greendrinks Next Tuesday

Seattle GreendrinksWe'd like to invite all sustainable Seattlites to October's Greendrinks on Tuesday, October 10. We're hosting along with our neighbors at the Studios at 5113 Russell Ave NW, in Ballard. As is the norm with Greendrinks here in the Emerald City, things will get started between 5:30 and 6:00 pm.

For anyone uniniated to the Greendrinks phenomenon, it's a fabulous opportunity for those involved with earth-loving nonprofits, green businesses and other environmental work to meet up once a month, have a drink and a chat. Here in Seattle, it moves around to a different location, hosted by a different organization each month, and we're happy to be hosting for October's gathering.

In the spirit of sustainability, anyone who arrives via carpool or other alternative or mass transportation can receive an SSF membership at a 20% discount. Come one, come all; it's going to be a great event. Special thanks to Roslyn Brewing Company for donating the evening's libations. Contact us via or phone (206.324.4850) with any questions. Hope to see everyone there!