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Sustainable Lifestyles A - Z: Catch a Ride

Filed in: mobility

C is for Catch a RideJust like buying stuff is impossible to avoid, so too is getting around. School, work, errands and fun keep us all on the move. In our ongoing look at quick changes you can make to your lifestyle by the end of the day, we'll peruse the idea that you don't have to drive yourself everywhere you need to go.

C is for Catch a ride. There are tons of ways to get out from behind the wheel. Hop on the bus, join a carpool, ride a bike...the list goes on and on. Why should you do it? It's cheaper than driving yourself, there's less parking to worry with, and you get to bypass traffic using the HOV lanes. It saves time, money, energy, fuel and the headache of being stuck in traffic (again). There are lots of excuses to go solo: schedules don't match up, mass transit isn't nearby, don't like to wait for the bus, etc. and we've heard 'em all before, so here's a list of resources to get you off your duff and carpooling and bus-riding like a pro in no time.

Carpooling networks and services:
Carpool Connect
Rideshare Online

City-specific programs:
San Francisco/Easy Bay: Casual Car Pool
Seattle: Carpool Match NW

Mass transit:
Los Angeles -- Los Angeles County Metro
New York -- Metropolitan Transportation Authority
San Francisco -- SF Muni
Seattle -- King County Metro

October is also International Walk to School Month. For the first time, events have been stretched out over the entire month, so check out what's happening in your neck of the woods when it comes to hoofing it. It isn't just for students any more!

Catching a ride...

Gotta speak up for my peeps here in STUMPTOWN! How could your list have missed one of the friendliest cities for non-car transport? Not only did Portland spawn the groundbreaking Flexcar car-sharing program (http://www.flexcar.com/), but it's also got one of the best mass transit systems in the nation (http://www.trimet.org/). If that weren't enough, Bicycling magazine has named PDX the bike-friendliest city in the nation once again this year.