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Sustainable Lifestyles A - Z: Dis Disposables

Dis DisposablesThe average plastic utensil is used for three minutes, and then discarded. A single plastic bag takes 20 years to decompose. Disposable products may be handy, but they are nothing but trouble once they've been discarded.

As we make our way through the alphabet with sustainable lifestyle tips you can implement today, D is for Dis disposables. There are more permanent versions of everything you can get disposable: coffee cups, razors, pens and numerous kinds of bags. More and more grocery stores have begun to offer their own canvas bags to use when buying groceries, and just about every coffee shop has a travel mug with their name on it. Pick 'em up, carry 'em around, use 'em and keep some junk out of the landfill.

Bags, mugs, and pens are easy and ubiquitous. But what's the best way to shave with a clean conscience? Grist's Umbra Fisk tackles sustainable shaving. You'll be surprised at the difference that one or two small changes will make.