In its November cover story, Inc. magazine has named The Green 50 -- "a new set of entrepreneurs" who are creating "a new way to think about being in business." Many of the companies named to the list are familiar to sustainability enthusiasts; they are superstars of the sustainable business and green technology marketplace. There's Ray Anderson and Interface, former OSSA Award nominees Clif Bar, New Belgium Brewery and Stonyfield Farm, and other heavy hitters like New Leaf Paper and Seventh Generation, plus some rising stars among clean-energy companies (like Tesla Motors); makers of green building products (many of whom can be found in the architecture online sourcebook, like Michelle Kaufmann Designs). All in all, there aren't many obvious omissions from the list; it's great to see those who really believe in sustainable business getting some well-deserved recognition; read more at The Green 50. [Inc. Magazine] via [Joel Makower: Two Steps Forward]
"The Green 50" Entrepreneurs in Inc. Magazine
Submitted by SSF on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 3:26pm.
Filed in: print media
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