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Worldchanging Book is Available Today!

Worldchanging bookOur friends at WorldChanging have been working really hard lately: a new site, a new book, and a tour to support the book, all at once. Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century hits the shelves today (we mentioned this before), and they need your help to make it as successful as it deserves to be. By ordering the book via Amazon today at 11:11 am PST (or anytime, if you can't make it by then), it'll boost it up the hugely influential Amazon bestseller list (learn more about how that works here) and spread the good word about ideas, systems and products that will drive the future in a more sustainable direction. We're all for it, we've added the book to our print media online sourcebook, and we'll be ordering along with the rest of the Worldchangers today. If you're interested in learning about how to guide the future toward sustainability, please consider ordering a copy, too. We think the 21st Century will be better off for it. [Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century] available at [Amazon]