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SSF Featured on The Lazy Environmentalist Radio Show

Filed in: about | interior design

Lazy EnvironmentalistSSF's own Collin Dunn, who pulls most of the strings on the website and handles lots of the communications duties, sat down last week to chat with Josh Dorfman over at The Lazy Environmentalist radio show; the episode began broadcasting today on Sirius Satellite Radio 114 and streaming live on Lime.com. Joined in the second half of the show by Andrew Sribyat, Co-Founder and Design Director of PIE (Project Import Export), a design house that handcrafts unique furniture, the three had a lively discussion about contemporary green furniture design and the intersection of "good design" with "green design" (that's right, it's totally possible!). It replays on Wednesday at 9PM; Thursday at 3AM, 2PM, 8PM; Fridays at 2AM; and Sundays 1PM, and is available as a podcast. Thanks to Josh and Andrew for a great chat! [The Lazy Environmentalist Radio Show]