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Reminder: EPIC, The Sustainable Living Expo is This Weekend

Filed in: events | seattle

EPIC VancouverJust a quick reminder about EPIC, Vancouver's first sustainable living expo, happening this weekend. Designed for the Ethical Progressive Intelligent Consumer, EPIC will introduce the new breed of environmentally friendlier, smart, stylish products and savvy services that allow shoppers to feel good about their purchases in more ways than one.

Tickets are available online at a reduced rate, and at the door for $12 for general admission and $10 for students and youth ages 13-18; children 12 and younger are free. The event promises to be a weekend full of sustainable style, including ideas and products in the fashion, food & drink, health & beauty, technology, transportation, home & leisure and business & community industries. We think it's going to be a fantastic event, and encourage anyone who hasn't already made plans to attend to consider making the trip to Vancouver. Get all the details at EPIC's website. We hope to see many of you there!


Impossible is nothing