[sslog]the sustainable style weblog

EcoVertex: Blogging a Sustainable Home Remodel

EcoVortexSSF is a big fan of utilizing design to incorporate more sustainable ideas, practices and products into our lives. Sometimes, though, we like to think about these things on a larger scale and work more on systems rather than just products and stuff. One of the ways to do this, and really have a more sustainable lifestyle, is to undertake a major home project, like a remodel, and incorporate as many sustainable designs as possible along the way. We like to think of it as going green, from the inside out.

Thanks to the advent and explosion in popularity of blogs, there are lots of ways to keep an eye on this process. A new one that is doing a pretty thorough job of this is called EcoVertex, which we found through our friends at Apartment Therapy in San Francisco. The blog follows the ins and outs of a home remodel, sustainble-style, of one Celia Canfield. One of the things we like best about it is that Celia doesn't claim any expertise or have a whole lot of experience thinking about and sourcing green ideas and products; even so, she's discovered Richlite countertops, has thought through the idea of carbon offsets as a guilty pleasure, and found a favorite green paint. The best part: she's learning as she goes and is showing that you don't have to be a pro to really dig in to green design and green products for all the right reasons. If you're thinking about (or are already in the middle of) re-thinking your home and remodeling a room or two, we recommend taking a peek. It looks like they post about once a week, but each post is substantive and thoughtful; check out more at her blog. [EcoVertex] via [Apartment Therapy]