[sslog]the sustainable style weblog

Summer in Seattle

Summer Rayne OakesIt was a busy green week in Seattle. It all started with a book signing and panel discussion at Seattle Green Fashion Week where SSF good friend Summer Rayne Oakes did a great job discussing sustainable lifestyle choices along with Leslie Hoffman of Earthpledge, Method Co-founders Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry, Nau guru Jill Zilligan and new entry into the Seattle sustainable style scene, Aladdin.

It just so happened that Method was also in town for their Detox Seattle campaign and threw a great launch party at SAM's Olympic Sculpture Park Friday night. The big finale fashion show at the end of the week was absolutely amazing and of course Summer, who both MCed and modeled in the show, also did an outstanding job. Here's Summer's take on things and what would a green Seattle event be without Grists's two cents.