book reviews

book reviews

Book Review: The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget

The Lazy Environmentalist on a BudgetFrom Sustainable Sean...Being the Lifestyle Ambassador & Co-founder of SSF and all, I thought Josh Dorfman had written the perfect book when he penned his first opus, The Lazy Environmentalist back in 2007. Many authors have attempted to write the next big guide to going green, but none quite compared to Josh's first 'guide to easy, stylish, green living'. As it turns out...Josh himself has written the next big guide to going green...and its AWESOME! Once again, Josh is able to make going green totally down to earth and accessible. When Joe the Plumber decides to go green, I'm pretty sure he'll read The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget. In his new book, Josh once again runs down the list of the best products and resources for green living, but this time he's on an even higher mission...going green while saving both time and money. Clearly, given the economic situation we're all in, his new book is timely but it is also a resource that will serve as a guide in any era as it is essentially a road map for how to make affordable and sustainable lifestyle choices whether you're a college senior living on student loans or a hard-working soccer (or hockey) Mom. Recently laid off or just getting out of school but still want to get your green on? Don't fret, Josh even has a section on the booming green job market. Once you've dog-eared your dozens of pages, hit the computer and surf over to Josh's website The Lazy Environmentalist to get new tidbits and pointers. Even better, tune in to Josh on the Sundance Channel starting in June of 2009.

Book Review: Organic Kitchen Gardens

Organic Kitchen Garden
From Sustainable Sean, originally posted on Opportunity Gardens...

Do you remember when you were a child and you had a favorite book or blanket that you took everywhere with you? You couldn't imagine going somewhere without it? Organic Kitchen Garden by Juliet Roberts, editor of BBC Gardens Illustrated, has become THAT BOOK for me. I picked it up on a whim at a local grocery store and I haven't been able to put it down since. I can't leave the house without it in my bag and it has been at the top of my stack of books by my bedside nightly. Certainly it was the combination of 'organic', 'kitchen', and 'garden' that caught my attention as these are three of my favorite things right now, but when I opened the book and started looking through the pages and pages of unique insights, helpful hints, and beautiful photos I'd found my favorite blanky all over again. With a setting like Audley End House in Essex, it should come as no surprise that the Roberts' work is a fairy tale dream come true for any gardener.

The book has bushels of great information and advice on organic gardening including a fantastic monthly calendar of activities. The photographs by Gavin Kingcome of the organic garden at Audley End are pastoral, idyllic, and completely alluring. One aspect of the photos that directly drew my interest was the traditional materials that were used in the garden. In our modern garden world of PVC piping and plastic pots, it was incredibly comforting to see terracotta forcing vessels and glass cloches. Perhaps it is a bit too quixotic to consider reviving these traditional tools and procedures, but they do bring a sense of romance and grace back to the garden that seems to be missing in our modern times. I could write so much more about this book but alas, I need to go thumb through the pictures again...I'm completely addicted.

Seven Wonders for a Wilting World

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Seattle - (Shannon) New book by Eric Sorensen and the staff of Sightline Institute, published by Sierra Club Books. Read Shannon's interview with Sorensen here.

To be a good environmental citizen—and I mean a good citizen, not just an OK-I’ll-turn-off-the-lights-when-I-leave one—requires commitment and some meaningful lifestyle changes. Many of us know the yo-yo-dieting style of eco-consciousness: we dutifully recycle everything that can be recycled until we find in the fridge an open jar of spaghetti sauce that we’ll either need to throw out or enter into the Antiques Roadshow. The idea of opening it up in order to clean it out sufficiently for recycling is simply too much for us to bear, and pushing our ideals to the side for a moment, we toss it in the trash. But to make the world a better, healthier place for all the critters that live on it, we can’t only be good when it’s easy.

However, in the new book Seven Wonders for a Cool Planet: Everyday Things to Help Solve Global Warming, author Eric Sorensen has laid out some lifestyle changes that are (1) very manageable, and (2) highly effective in the war on warming. Unlike many other books in the eco-ilk, this one is light on the gloom-and-doom, offering instead some exceptionally sensible ideas on how to reduce one’s contributions to global meltdown.

The Seven Wonders of Sorensen’s book are a bit like George Carlin’s Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television: we all know, or can guess, what they are, but we don’t like to say them out loud. Lifestyle changes are hard. Ride a bicycle to work? There are a million excuses not to. It’s too far; I don’t want to get all sweaty; I live in Seattle which is riddled with rain and really big hills; how can I carry my groceries, my kids, my laptop, my life? And yet, nearly 2 million Americans manage it every day, says Sorensen. We all know the automobile is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases (11,350 pounds of CO2 per American passenger car, according to Sorensen), but giving up driving seems impossible to most of us.

And herein lies the genius of Sorensen’s book. Not only does he present an array of cogent arguments in favor of abandoning the Beemer for the bike, he does so in a way that sounds imminently do-able. This isn’t just a call to action, it’s a (bicycle-friendly) road map. The same is true in all the other sections: here is something you can do, here are some very smart reasons for doing it, here’s the best way to go about it. (He is, thankfully, shy on details in the “how-to” section for condoms.) He makes the hard changes seem possible, even fun. How hard is it, really, to install a ceiling fan? Says Sorensen, a couple of hours’ work can net you 9°F (5°C) of cooling, and a one-third savings on your cooling bill. Wasn’t that easy? Don’t you feel better? Now, let’s talk about insulating your attic…

Sorensen understands the necessity of offering baby steps that go beyond the standard “buy the better light bulb.” Don’t sell your car, at least not yet, just substitute the bike for that trip to the post office or that one-thing-I-forgot run to the grocery store. You don’t have to pull up your air conditioner by the roots, just turn it up a little and make up the difference with a ceiling fan. Keep the dryer—but opt for the clothesline when you can.

This does not mean that Sorensen doesn’t have much bigger and more ambitious ideas—he certainly does, and they’re in here. It means he understands that a little improvement is better than none, and small steps often lead to big leaps forward. Changing behavior, even behavior we know is unhealthy, is hard: just ask the 62% of Americans who are overweight. A book that combines humor, accessibility of information, an optimistic outlook and best of all, baby steps, may just be the book to get us started on the path to sustainability.

Book Review - Gorgeously Green

Gorgeously Green byt Sophie UlianoSimply put, Gorgeously Green is fabulously fun. The book and the accompanying website are packed full of fun and valuable information that prove that the saying is true, it really IS easy being green. I can honestly say I don't think there's a better reference for fulfilling SSF's mantra "look fabulous, live well, do good". In the forward, Julia Roberts calls the book a "bible of hope and help (not to menteion a good cleansing mask andn source for eco-cashmere). Author Sophie Uliano makes making greener personal lifestyle choices fun and accessible to everyone. She makes it irresistable.

Uliano hits all of the big lifestyle categories too: apparel, food, beauty, gardening, travel, weddings, etc. And yoga poses! Yes, sprinkled throughout the book are yoga poses and other activities to invigorate the mind, the body, and the soul. Best of all, her motto, "one change makes a difference", confirms that you don't have to be small step here and there can add to a big difference over time, especially if a lot of us make the same small steps. The way she presents her ideas and solutions is what really sets this book apart...its fun, its positive, its interactive, its educational, and I have to admit - its completely girly. But that's OK! Her concept of becoming a 'green goddess' is exactly what the green movement needs. As I said before, she makes going green irresistible. The fact that she provides a definition and discussion of 'gorgeousness' says it all.

On the website you can find some videos as well. After watching them you sense her passion, commitment, and excitement in every page of the book. Don't miss GGTV on the website, and the 'Girls Club' must be a lot of fun too. Probably most important though, is that she takes providing background information and resources on key issues very seriously, toxins in cosmetics for example. I don't think I've come a cross a better treatment of the subject or a better collection of green options to address the issues. There are literally easy to understand definitions and website links everywhere.

Gorgeously Green is a great read, an invaluable resource, and as Julia Roberts put it, a true bible of hope. What other green resource book leaves you with the feeling that you just solved some of the world's problems over a cocktail with a girlfriend? Hmm...none. But that's exactly what Gorgeously Green does. Cheers Sophie, you and your book are fabulous!

Available at your local bookstore and online at: Amazon | Barnes& Noble | Powells

Book Review - Green is the New Black

Green is the New Black by Tamsin Blandard(Cristina Sacco - Glasgow, Scotland) For those wondering how to be better shoppers in the UK, Green is the New Black, by Tamsin Blanchard (with an acompanying blog) fits the bill. It is not for those who have resolved to buy less in the new year, as Blanchard’s enthusiasm for recycled fairtrade jewelry and jeans made from organic cottom denim will have many readers holding the book in one hand and clicking around the web sites she mentions with the other. The Little Green Book section at the back compiles these sites into a long list, marking them with vintage, fair trade, recycled, organic, vegetarian, and craft symbols. Short passages from celebrities, style consultants, and models, as well as details of which celebrities wear vegan shoes all add to the chatty magazine-style tone of the book.

Blanchard’s excitement for the topic is endearing and effective, however, Green is the New Black is not without flaws. Blanchard makes a few irritating errors, such as referring to Shirley Manson as the singer of the band Rubbish instead of Garbage, and saying that apple cider vinegar is an alkali (it’s an acid, just like every other vinegar). Also, the section on skincare should have been better- researched for a number of reasons. Firstly, it fails to mention exactly which chemical ingredients are to be avoided in skin and hair care products. Secondly, the discussions of specific different skin and hair care brands is full of vague marketing language like "natural ingredients" lacking in legal and scientific value. Finally, Blanchard and her guests' passages mention brands which do sell products containing parabens and other nasty chemical preservatives against which she had previously cautioned. It's frustrating that this chapter is so substandard as there are good British skin care brands out there, and many international brands are also available here. Faults aside, this is an enjoyable read, and will certainly tempt those who love to shop and are looking to do so more responsibly this year than last.

Book Review - Auto Mania

Auto ManiaMy most recent book review request came from Yale University Press. The title? Auto Mania: Cars, Consumers, and the Environment by Tom McCarthy. Now I am a sucker when it comes to anything history, biography, environment and so would probably give any book in these categories a pretty glowing review, but I must say I REALLY enjoyed this book. It is a very thorough look at our ever so addictive relationship with cars with all its eccentricities from the need for speed, keeping up with the Jones', to ever present power and greed. And he does it with a bit of humor tossed in here and there. Essentially an environmental history of the automobile, McCarthy points out early that scientists and engineers were well aware of the many challenges that came with cars and even goes into Henry Ford's sincere interest in reducing waste in his uber efficient assembly lines. Pop culture played a key role too, from Elvis Presley to Will Rogers. And, no surprise, even early observations of global warming - and how they were ignored - show up in the book. After reading McCarthy's book, we better understand America's romance with the automobile with all its wires, belts, and oh so many other social, political, economic, and environmental 'strings' attached.

Book Review: The Ethical Gourmet

The Ethical GourmentMore and more people want to eat sustainably, but it isn't always easy to navigate grocery stores or restaurant menus. Happily, Jay Weinstein's The Ethical Gourmet: How to Enjoy Great Food That is Humanely Raised, Sustainable, Nonendangered, and That Replenishes the Earth takes all the guesswork out of it. Providing not only an excellent primer on the politics and business that drive agricultural systems and food production from start to finish, Weinstein tells where and how to get the most sustainable option for many foods. Love salmon? Go for wild-caught from Alaska. Foie gras? A big no-no. Bison can be an excellent replacement for beef, and always, always look for "Certified Human Raised & Handled" or the American Humane Association's "Free Farmed Certified" labels when buying any meat. He cautions against too much meat; the most ethical proteins of all, though, are grains, beans and legumes, so don't be afraid of them. When it comes to produce, go local organic, then local, then organic, then conventional.

As a chef and food-lover himself, Weinstein includes 100 recipes promoting not just his ethical dining ingredients, but his practices: eat less meat (or none at all), and when you do, make the portions smaller by pairing and prepairing it well. A smaller morsel of perfectly-cooked, well-flavored meat paired with other delicious ethical foods will be a much more complete, sustainable and enjoyable meal that a huge hunk of meat from a factory farm.

It excels as both a handbook and cookbook, and the extensive resource guide will keep ethical consumers busy learning more about sustainable foods for days. Throughout the book, Weinstein has a keen grasp on one very important idea: that knowing more about your food, where it came from and why that's important makes it taste better, and he applies to everything from coffee to chocolate to clams and crabs. The book is written in the belief that if each of us does his or her part we can make a difference, and the world will be a better place for it; following its advice allows responsible stewards of the Earth to enjoy delicious foods. It's available from Broadway Books, Powell's Books and other booksellers.

Book Review: 365 Ways to Save the Earth

365 Ways to Save the EarthSeptember 21: Wash and rinse your clothes on the cold-water cycle.

April 3: Use biodegradable cleaning products.

May 29: Grow your own vegetables.

July 7: Look for the Green Globe 21 certification on your vacation destination.

August 27: Buy refillable products.

We could go on; there are lots of useful tips in 365 Ways to Save the Earth, and each one is paired with a stunning photograph by Philippe Bourseiller. Broken down into categories like home, shopping, leisure, transportation, office, gardening and children, the book is the daily calendar of sustainable reminders, but much prettier to look at (and you don't have to toss a piece of paper every day). With such good aesthetics, the book strives for a place on your coffee table, where it can be easily admired for its artistic merits, practical, easy (and even fun) ideas. As you've not doubt done with other "dated" books, everyone who picks it up has to check out their birthday, major holidays (Christmas advises you to make your own greeting cards) and the like. You won't be able to do all 365, at least not in a row, but if everyone who picks up the book tries a few, we'll all be better off for it, and that's one of the things books are great for. A percentage of book sales will go to the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, which can be added as the 366th way to save the earth. Available from Harry Abrams Books, Powell's Books and other fine booksellers.

Book Review: Remember Me -- A Lively Tour of the New American Way of Death

Few things are absolutely certain in life, but there's definitely one thing we can all count on: death. As morbid as it sounds, we've all got to go some time, and when we do, there are several options awaiting us. In her new book, Remember Me: A Lively Tour of the New American Way of Death," Lisa Takeuchi Cullen looks at them all in a sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant, always interesting way. Big believers in the idea that we can all be sustainable in life, we were interested to see what sort of sustainable after-lifestyle choices we can make.

At the top of the list is what Takeuchi Cullen calls "the next big thing in cemetery trends" -- biodegradable burials. The first in the country, Ramsey Creek Preserve, in South Carolina, is more of a state park than a cemetery. Ramsey Creek classifies itself as a memorial nature park; according to their website, "Memorial nature parks are memorial parks specifically designed to save and restore significant wildlands. These parks will be a convenient, economical, beautiful, environmentally responsible and mainstream alternative to existing memorial parks." These biodegradable burials are cheaper than the traditional kind, and the profits go to expanding and restoring the preserve. Ramsey Creek is just the first of a growing list of such "green burial" options, and a fascinating alternative to more traditional methods of burial.

Remember Me gives equal attention to many other aspects of our journey to the afterlife, and they're all quite engaging. This is surprising, given the subject matter, but the book really exists as an exploration and quasi-sociological study of the real subculture of "the American way of death." There are stories of businesses that make "diamonds" from cremated remains ("cremains," as they're known in the industry), casket-makers who build custom lobster-shaped "after-life vehicles" and mummify-ers who'll prepare you for your own private pyramid; through it all, the stories and anecdotes from the author's cross-country travels with the industry serve to affirm and celebrate life through all the new (if different and even "weird") ways we can all express ourselves in death as we would have in life.

Remember Me: A Lively Tour of The New American Way of Death is currently available from Powell's Books and other booksellers.

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