(Cristina Sacco - Glasgow, Scotland) Hello everyone, today is the first day of Fairtrade Fortnight (February 25-March 9). This awareness campaign for Fairtrade will last for the next two weeks and will be promoted by governments, non-profit organizations, and Fairtrade partners. The Scottish Government is working towards making Scotland one of the first Fair Trade Nations, read about it here. Check the Fairtrade Foundation for more details and a calendar of local events.
You will also find many retailers who sell fairly-traded goods are having sales for Fairtrade Fortnight (FF), including Quail, an English company based in Devon. Quail was founded by Shauna Chapman and Jason Clark, who after choosing to use more organic and environmentally-friendly products, found "eco-friendly fashion was lacking in choice and sophistication." (a sentiment I think readers of this website will appreciate) Check out the rest of their About Us page to read more about them and how they operate, which includes using organic hand-loomed tweed from Scotland, peace silk, and fairtrade organic cotton. Be sure to look at the gorgeous printed shirts, some of which are discounted more than 20% for FF, with free shipping.