sustainable style foundation*
look fabulous, live well, do good
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sustainable ways | Krystle's sensible guide to everything sustainable.
GEN ART | The leading arts & entertainment organization dedicated to showcasing the best emerging talent.
board for breast cancer | Boarding For Breast Cancer (B4BC) is a non-profit, youth-focused education, awareness, and fundraising foundation. Their mission is to increase awareness about breast cancer, the importance of early detection and the value of a healthy lifestyle.
environmental media association (ema) | a simple but powerful concept that through television and film, the entire entertainment community could influence the environmental awareness of millions of people.
musicares | ensures that music people have a compassionate place to turn to in times of need while focusing the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community.
better world club | the only socially responsible, environmentally friendly roadside assistance, auto insurance and travel club in the country that's working to help clean up the environment.
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