Seattle International Film Festival [posted on August 7, 2006]
Seattle International Film Festival Group celebrates the culture and art of the moving image through filmmaking and filmgoing experiences of exceptional merit and diversity that inform, educate and entertain. Held in early summer each year, SIFF showcases the best features of the year. Also awarded at the festival is the Jury Award and Golden Space Needle Audience Award. [SIFF]
Northwest Film Forum [posted on August 7, 2006]
Northwest Film Forum classes and workshops are designed to instruct filmmakers on both the mechanical skills required by current filmmaking technology and the artistic application of tools to explore the critical and emotional range of the cinematic experience. Classes and workshops are taught by working artists: filmmakers, writers, producers and editors. Explore Filmmaking by doing it. [NW Film Forum]
ArtSpots [posted on August 7, 2006]
ArtSpots is a non-profit program dedicated to creating and broadcasting media art using commercial television slots for a gallery. The pieces encourage viewers to look inside themselves and connect with their own values, creating a more sustainable, emotionally connected and environmentally aware relationship to the world we live in. The spots are free and can be copied and shared by viewers. [ArtSpots]
911 Media Arts [posted on August 7, 2006]
Considered to be Washington State's premier Media Arts Center, the mission of 911 Media Arts is to support the expressive use of innovative media tools by providing the access, training and environment needed to reate/exhibit works of enduring merit and artistic excellence. 911 Media Arts believes that everyone can and should have access to the tools of communication. [911 Media Arts]
Eco Encore [posted on July 24, 2006]
Reusable books, CDs, DVDs and software can be donated to this nonprofit for a tax deduction. Profits from selling these goods on Eco Encore's Online Store are given to nineteen environmental non-profit organizations in the Puget Sound region. Eco Encore is dedicated to treading lightly on the earth. They utilize recycled and used paper whenever possible, and ship packages through the U.S. Postal Service, which they believe to be the most environmentally efficient system. [Eco Encore]
Gen Art [posted on July 19, 2006]
Gen Art is the leading arts and entertainment organization dedicated to showcasing emerging fashion designers, filmmakers, musicians and visual artists. Gen Art strives to provide access to the film, fashion, art and music worlds for those that are interested in these areas, but often are intimidated and made to feel unwelcomed by the exclusive nature of these art / entertainment realms. They enjoy life to the fullest. [Gen Art]
Pop Sustainability [posted on July 12, 2006]
Pop Sustainability uses popular culture-such as film, fashion, music, sports and food - to deliver a message that communicates to the most culturally influential sector of society today - young adults. Pop Sustainability is building a critical mass of commitment to sustainability among young people, thereby causing measurable progress in social, environmental and economic conditions-changing minds will change the planet. [Pop Sustainability]
modernProps [posted on April 18, 2006]
The Cadillac of prop houses, Modern Props has it all when it comes to props and rentals. From electronics and technology to furniture and furnishings, when it's play-time, movie-time or party-time, there's no reason to buy when you can just borrow. [Modern Props]
Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation [posted on April 18, 2006]
The mission of the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation is to improve the quality of life for inner city youth through a working partnership with other youth organizations. Established with the purpose of raising and distributing funds to youth service and enrichment programs, the Foundation makes a difference with youth foundations and children across the country. [Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation]
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Network [posted on April 18, 2006]
Bringing filmmakers together with environmental activists, educators, government, scientists, business, and concerned citizens, Hazel Wolf strives to improve the quality and effective use of environmental media. Hosting and producing several film festivals each year, they also have a program designed to engage youth who want to speak out about the planet through film. [Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Network]
The Creative Coalition [posted on April 18, 2006]
Bringing together artists and entertainers to learn about pressing issues so they can better inform and influence the community and nation, The Creative Coalition empowers celebrities and other high-profile people to use their influence for good. Sean Astin, Marcia Gay Harden and Rob Lowe have all lent their time and efforts to the cause that tries to make the world a better place for everyone. [The Creative Coalition]
Better World Films [posted on April 18, 2006]
Aiming to empower people to create sustainable lives, livable communities, and a just world with equal opportunities for all, Better World Films wants to broaden the environmental and progressive movement through the organization and production of film festivals. Based in the Seattle area, Better World Media is a project of A.W.I.S.H. (A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide models and support for life sustaining activities. [Better World Films]
VH1 & The Global Fund [posted on April 1, 2006]
Almost 40 million people are infected with HIV. In 2003 alone, AIDS killed more than 3 million people. Given the political and economic instability that comes with such a huge loss of life, this epidemic will touch everyone -- no matter where they live. VH1 has teamed up with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. They've created an unprecedented public education campain designed to inspire action in the fight against the world's worst health crisis. [VH1 & The Global Fund]
Hollywood Cinema Production Resources [posted on April 1, 2006]
Hollywood CPR offers free vocational training in the trades and skills required for careers in the art departments of the entertainment industry to at-risk, disadvantaged, and underserved or minority youth. It also offers exposure to the operation of a professionally operated non-profit "prop house," which helps fund the program; it receives donations of props and set dressings from the entertainment industry. The donated items are received, recycled and then rented. [Hollywood Cinema Production Resources]
FilmAid International [posted on April 1, 2006]
Throughout the world, millions of people are living in refugee camps, having fled violent conflicts and upheaval in their home countries. FilmAid International is a nonprofit organization using the power of film to promote health, strengthen communities, and enrich the lives of these people, the world's vulnerable and uprooted. [FilmAid International]