[nyc] urban planning
Wind Power [posted on September 30, 2007]
Stop buying fossil fuel power today! Support wind power by choosing 100% wind power. Did you know that burning fossil fuels to create electricity is one of the largest producers of carbon dioxide? By demanding to buy wind power we can help create more wind farms to decrease our dependency on fossil fuels. Look to this site for information on how you can buy wind power. [Wind Power]
Sustainable South Bronx [posted on August 16, 2006]
Including projects to create bike and walking paths, "green roofs," and waste reduction programs Sustainable South Bronx seeks to promote Environmental Justice through innovative, economically sustainable projects that are informed by the needs of the community. SSB addresses land-use, energy, transportation, water and waste policy, and education in order to advance the environmental and economic rebirth of the South Bronx to inspire solutions in areas like it across the nation and the globe. [Sustainable South Bronx]
Green Links [posted on July 20, 2006]
Born out of the realization that New Yorkers needed a centralized space to interact and share information about the environment, Green-Links is a newly-formed online resource for all things 'green' in New York City. From environmental events and jobs to articles, profiles, and more, Green-links is the site to find out what's green in the city. Green-Links is a work-in-progress that will continue to evolve and grow as it strives to achieve its aim of catalyzing the environmental community in New York. [Green Links]
Earth Pledge [posted on July 20, 2006]
Earth Pledge identifies and promotes innovative techniques and technologies that restore the balance between human and natural systems. Through demonstration, education, and research, they deliver viable models to government, industry, and communities. The New York region is the laboratory for implementing replicable solutions that will inspire and facilitate a global transition to sustainability. [Earth Pledge]
Better World Films [posted on April 18, 2006]
Aiming to empower people to create sustainable lives, livable communities, and a just world with equal opportunities for all, Better World Films wants to broaden the environmental and progressive movement through the organization and production of film festivals. Based in the Seattle area, Better World Media is a project of A.W.I.S.H. (A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide models and support for life sustaining activities. [Better World Films]