non-governmental organizations (ngo)
BetterBricks [posted on September 18, 2006]
An initiative of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, BetterBricks has its sights set on helping business professionals understand the power of energy efficiency to make a real difference in their buildings and in their business. BetterBricks believes that energy efficiency can provide tremendous value, with substantial contributions to the bottom line as well as the environment. BetterBricks services and resources are designed to meet the real-world needs of building professionals. [BetterBricks]
WaterAid [posted on September 14, 2006]
An international charity dedicated to helping people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation, WaterAid aims to help one million people gain access to water and one million gain access to sanitation every year by 2010. They seek to change governmental policy and help other local organizations set up low cost, sustainable projects using appropriate technology that can be managed by the community itself. [WaterAid]
Make Some Noise [posted on September 14, 2006]
Make Some Noise is a ground-breaking venture from Amnesty International that mixes music, celebration and action to protect individuals wherever justice, freedom and equality are denied. With exclusive John Lennon covers, artist videos and opportunities to make an impact, Make Some Noise aims to inspire a new generation to collectively raise their voices to make as much noise as we can for human rights. Check them out, buy some music, make some noise. [Make Some Noise]
ArtWorks [posted on September 8, 2006]
An arts program uniquely able to reach out to at-risk youth while enriching communities, ArtWorks programs have fostered a new sense of self-esteem, self-motivation and self-sufficiency for youth through pre-employment training and subsidized employment in the arts. They create murals for schools, businesses and parks throughout the city—and offer a wealth of opportunities for young people to get involved with the arts and move their lives in a positive direction. [ArtWorks]
The Sharehouse [posted on August 31, 2006]
Turning houses into homes, The Sharehouse is Seattle's free furniture bank, providing furniture and household goods to people who are making the transition to permanent housing. With the goal of helping homeless families achieve self-sufficiency, self-esteem, and long-term stability, furniture and housewares are collected from private households and businesses and donated to families refered here by more than 60 homeless agencies in the Seattle area. [The Sharehouse]
Sustainable South Bronx [posted on August 16, 2006]
Including projects to create bike and walking paths, "green roofs," and waste reduction programs Sustainable South Bronx seeks to promote Environmental Justice through innovative, economically sustainable projects that are informed by the needs of the community. SSB addresses land-use, energy, transportation, water and waste policy, and education in order to advance the environmental and economic rebirth of the South Bronx to inspire solutions in areas like it across the nation and the globe. [Sustainable South Bronx]
Find it in Fremont [posted on August 3, 2006]
A community-based initiative to create an on-line information source of locally-owned and sustainable businesses in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, WA, Find it in Fremont is a great resource for local sustainability. In their online directory you can search our directory to find businesses that are locally-owned and who make or sell locally-produced, environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible goods and services in Fremont. [Find it in Fremont]
Sustainable Ballard [posted on August 3, 2006]
A non-profit organization, Sustainable Ballard seeks to develop a grassroots vision of sustainability for the community of Ballard. It is their goal to create a sustainable blueprint that serves to reduce Ballard's ecological footprint ensuring that future generations have access to the resources they need to thrive. Sustainable Ballard hosts festivals, presentations and monthly meetings to bring awareness to the sustainablity movement in Ballard. [Sustainable Ballard]
Dunn Foundation [posted on July 6, 2006]
Believing that excessive signage, cell phone towers, billboards, utility poles and elimination of trees and sidewalks for street widening has homogenized our once unique places into a visual nightmare, The Dunn Foundation is committed reversing this trend through educational initiatives, community-based research and philanthropy. Their niche is developing awareness of how we, as inhabitants in our communities, have affected the character and scenic areas in a damaging way through visual pollution. [Dunn Foundation]
VH1 & The Global Fund [posted on April 1, 2006]
Almost 40 million people are infected with HIV. In 2003 alone, AIDS killed more than 3 million people. Given the political and economic instability that comes with such a huge loss of life, this epidemic will touch everyone -- no matter where they live. VH1 has teamed up with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. They've created an unprecedented public education campain designed to inspire action in the fight against the world's worst health crisis. [VH1 & The Global Fund]
Entertainment Industry Foundation [posted on April 1, 2006]
Responding to some of the most critical needs facing our society, the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) helps raise awareness and funds for important causes such as childhood hunger, cancer research, creative arts, education, cardiovascular research, and many more. Eric Clapton, Halle Berry and Brooke Shields have all lent their time and energy to EIF's efforts to leverage social change in the greater Los Angeles area and around the world. [Entertainment Industry Foundation]