[sf] advertising, marketing & pr

Greener Printer

This Berkeley-based business is proud to provide this environmentally friendly printing service, featuring New Leaf Paper and Climate Cool shipping. Through GreenerPrinter.com, you can obtain high-quality, affordable printing services featuring real-time print quotes and online ordering using state-of-the-art recycled papers, printing by a certified environmentally responsible company, and shipped directly to you with zero climate impact! In addition, all printing services purchased through GreenerPrinter.com results in a financial contribution to support GreenBiz.com, an acclaimed, nonprofit online resource on business and the environment. [Greener Printer]

Fenton Communications

Covering topics from environment to youth, Fenton Communcations is one of the elder statesmen of the sustainable marketing genre and the largest public interest communications firm in the country. Their services range from advertising to media relations to message and strategy, and they have offices in three corners of the country. [Fenton Communications]

Enlightened Brand

Believing that systems in nature -- from molecules to galaxies -- organize around identity, they think that brands are natural systems, too. Enlightened Brand can help you see the true nature of each brand's ecosystem. Check out the Enlightened Brand Journal; it helps keep everyone up to date on the latest in cause marketing. [Enlightened Brand]
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