Pie Ranch [posted on January 19, 2007]
Established by three sustainable agriculture advocates who wanted not only to develop their beautiful [pie-shaped] wedge of land into a thriving food source, Pie Ranch also offers hands-on education for city youth in the origins of the things we eat. Pie Ranch, located just south of San Francisco, is one big sprawling source of ingredients for -- that's right -- pie. They grow wheat for crust, and fruit and vegetables for filling, raise chickens for eggs, goats for milk, and bees for honey. School groups trek down from the city to try their hands at planting, weeding, and milking, and get an education about the benefits of their local foodshed to boot. [Pie Ranch]
Snowboarder Magazine [posted on October 16, 2006]
Printed on recycled paper and promoting biodiesel and straight vegetable oil and other renewable fuels for cars to get to the slopes, Snowboarder Magazine is bringing sustainability to the snowboarder set. Involved with films like "Grease Not Gas" and "BikeCar", Snowboarder proves you can be hip, edgy and sustainable all at once. [Snowboarder Magazine]
Elemental Awareness [posted on September 18, 2006]
Founded upon the theory that a person can positively impact the world through his or her passions, Elemental Awareness exists at the intersection of nature and skateboarding with aims on teaching youths to live simply with the earth while developing their passion for skateboarding. A seed nourished by the Element company, Elemental Awareness encourages kids to develop self-esteem and awareness and the tools to lead successful lives...from a kickflip to a campfire. [Elemental Awareness]
Tree Blocks [posted on September 6, 2006]
Without harming any living trees, Tree Blocks provides fun and learning oriented toys produced in a socially and ecologically responsible way. They use the discards of apple, cherry, hazelnut and elder orchards and forests to create real wood toys. Purchasing the wood in this way leaves the farmers with clean soil and seed money, so they can continue their production. [Tree Blocks]
Northwest Environmental Education Council [posted on July 24, 2006]
Serving approximately 3,000 people per year across the western United States, NWEEC provides in-school and after-school environmental education programs for youth, training programs for school teachers and environmental professionals, and service learning programs for all ages that improve environmental quality. Their mission is to foster an ecologically sustainable world through diverse educational opportunities, professional training, and strategic partnerships. [Northwest Environmental Education Council]
Seattle Youth Garden Works [posted on July 21, 2006]
Seattle Youth Garden Works empowers homeless and under-served youth through garden-based education and employment. They empower youth with an income, a sense of belonging and basic job and marketing skills while they learn and practice organic gardening methods. Youth at Garden Works even presented a display garden at the 2005 Northwest Flower & Garden Show, taking home a series of awards including the American Horticulture Society Environmental Award. [Seattle Youth Garden Works]
Youthcare [posted on July 21, 2006]
The first shelter for homeless youth in the Western United States, Youthcare delivers services that meet the needs of Seattle’s homeless and at-risk youth. Youthcare believes that every youth should have a warm place to stay, healthy food, caring adults, and opportunities to grow and succeed. Their services range from street outreach and residential housing to employment training. [Youthcare]
youthXchange [posted on July 19, 2006]
The youthXchange website and the related guidebook are intended as a tool kit to assist youth groups, NGOs and teachers to help raise awareness on Sustainable Consumption and empower youth to put the theory on sustainable lifestyle choices into practice. Using accessible information, concrete examples and everyday language, the kit provides many facts & figures on issues related to how people live and their impact on the environment, economy and society. [youthXchange]
Youth Radio [posted on July 19, 2006]
Through hands-on practice, working relationships with industry professionals, and production of award-winning programming, Youth Radio students learn the basics of broadcasting. In the process, they're exposed to a broad spectrum of media-related careers. Youth Radio contributes to the empowerment of teenagers by giving them tools they'll need for success. We also bring youth perspectives to the airwaves, shedding light on the concerns and interests of our young people. [Youth Radio]
YouthNoise [posted on July 19, 2006]
Across the globe, youths everywhere are making a difference. Combating issues without blinking an eye, they possess the spirit and strength, along with the heartfelt belief, that they can change the world. And change the world they do! YouthNoise gives these world-changers, these hope-givers, a voice, a place to connect, and a place to inspire—and be inspired. An activist haven, a socially conscious sanctuary, YouthNoise invites youths to write, to learn, to think, and to act. A virtual conference hall, playground, coffee shop, and classroom, YouthNoise is where the difference begins. [YouthNoise]
The Young People's Decade of Commitment [posted on July 19, 2006]
The Young People’s Decade of Commitment is a grassroots movement that recognizes that young people have the power to make a difference in the world and must act on those intentions for a better future. There are many different ways to affect change and speak out, but each starts with a commitment. The Young People’s Decade of Commitment is a call for young people to care, to find a passion, pursue that interest, and finally to make a commitment to use that pursuit as an avenue to take action. [The Young People's Decade of Commitment] [posted on July 19, 2006]
The online magazine for young European consumers, offers information and entertainment as well as holding discussions with them. The articles are written nearly exclusively by young people, on topics that cover just about everything that you can spend money on, everything that affects consumers in their everyday lives: music, fashion, advertising, food, travel, etc.. Beside these articles by young people gives analyses of products and services and has a special focus on subjects according to "sustainable consumption". []
Zoom Kitty Zoom Designs [posted on July 17, 2006]
Practitioners of truly compassionate design, Zoom Kitty Zoom is a design studio and education resource for completely cruelty-free fashion. Headed by designer Julia Szkiba O'Conner, Zoom Kitty Zoom doesn't work with real furs or leather, skins or any other animal by-products. They're a great resource for cruelty-free fashion design assistance, consultation and education. [Zoom Kitty Zoom Designs]
YMCA Earth Service Corps [posted on July 12, 2006]
YMCA Earth Service Corps is a service-learning program for teens ready to make a difference in their communities. Grounded on the building blocks of leadership development, environmental education and action, and cross-cultural awareness, this proven program works in diverse communities and allows teens to use their talents, develop new skills and learn more about themselves and their surroundings. [YMCA Earth Service Corps]
Waste-Free Lunches [posted on July 12, 2006]
Several years ago, a group of environmentally-conscious moms in California decided to start packing waste-free lunches for their children and themselves. When teachers, parents, and friends became interested in the concept, they began collecting waste-free lunch information to share with them. It soon became clear that families in other parts of the country were interested in learning more, so they decided to post the information on the Web--at [Waste-Free Lunches]