![aries](/files/aries.jpg) The near future is up in the air for you, Aries. The good news is that some of it has been left up to you; your decision-making and problem-solving will either make it break it. I'm reminded of the words of Woodrow Wilson: "One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat." When things get tense at work or at home; remember the dangers of holding too much inside; it can boil up and you can melt down at exactly the wrong time. But I have faith that your ability to make the cool judgment, and to have more light and less heat. You can never underestimate the power of cool.
![taurus](/files/taurus.jpg) Listen carefully, Taurus. Someone close to you is trying to tell you something, but it may not be obvious what that is, even though it might be tapping you on the back. Remember, words can be confusing, and it's up to you to apply them for good and not for evil. It is just like fire; fire can heat your house or burn it down. The power of words will also effect your power when it comes to love, and let's face it: you've been running a bit hot and cold lately. Pluto's influence should tell you that it's okay to play it cool for awhile; it might just lead to more heat down the road (and not the bad, global-warming kind, if you know what I mean).
![gemini](/files/gemini.jpg) One of the strongest traits of many a Gemini is their ability to buckle down and really get things done, and lately has been no exception. You're willing to go to almost any lengths to get one more thing done, and usually that's a good thing, but I encourage you to stop and consider what you might be missing because of it. Flying around like you do (especially if it's been in an airplane) isn't good for anyone after a while, so slow down, and look around and at all the good stuff you'd hate to miss. If you have to take that extra trip, be sure to cool your jetsetting with a carbon credit or two.
![cancer](/files/cancer.jpg) The Spanish poet Juan Ramon Jimenez once opined, "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." This is good advice for you, Cancer. Remember that the rules are there for a reason, but that rules were also meant to be broken. With the Mercury-Pluto face-off and Mars entering your sign, things could be heating up you soon. Can't say if it'll be good or bad, but keep in mind that either way, friction creates heat, too much heat melts polar ice caps and glaciers and pretty soon we're all starring in Waterworld II. Seriously, though, remember to offset your personal heat with a little climate-neutrality and all will be well again.
![leo](/files/leo.jpg) Have you just had the best possible idea of all time (perhaps) for how to promote your very own veterinary clinic? If it involve donning a cat suit and parading around in front of reality television executives, I'd advise getting a second opinion. Your brash, untamed side can be good for really getting things done sometimes, but too much impulse indulgement now can lead to regret down the road. Insure yourself against future meltdowns with a little more forethought; keep the cat suit in the closet (and your car in the garage) more often, and the results will be better for everyone.
![virgo](/files/virgo.jpg) Buddha once said "The world, indeed, is like a dream and the treasures of the world are an alluring mirage! Like the apparent distances in a picture, things have no reality in themselves, but they are like heat haze." For you, this means that things aren't always what they seem to be; just because you think that you may jump out of the fire and into the frying pan (and back again), too much heat, self-inflicted or otherwise, can cloud your vision and make things look different than they really are. In the stars, as with everything else in life, there are things you can control and things you cannot. Concentrate on keeping your cool and the world will cool down around you.
![libra](/files/libra.jpg) Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died, the gods immediately places his or her heart in one pan of a set of scales; in the other pan was a feather. If there was imbalance, if the heart of the deceased weighed more than the feather, he or she was denied admittance to the afterworld. Only the lighthearted were deemed advanced enough to merit immortality. No one is usually more in-tune with their personal balance than you, Libra, so keep an eye on the scales and don't get too down on things. Just because the globe is warming doesn't mean you can't do anything about it; get neutral, lighten your load and your heart will be light as a feather.
![scorpio](/files/scorpio.jpg) Ah, Scorpio. You've done it again, haven't you. Shakespeare warned us: "Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself," (and he was right; just because they kept all their clothes on onstage doesn't mean things didn't get hot in Elizabethan England). You have to lie in the bed that you make; this can be a good thing, a bad thing, a hot thing, or a cool thing, and though the stars exert their influences in mysterious ways, you can have a positive effect on your own future. Keep your head clear; handle your inner-Scorpio with care when you feel like your foe (or your furnace) might get the best of you and you'll stay blissfully burn-free.
![sagittarius](/files/sagittarius.jpg) There's lots going on around you these days, isn't there, Sagittarius. I suspect that you'll want to engage with the better part of the chatter that crossed your aura, but I warn you: this may not be a good time to stick your neck out too far. Keep your ear to the ground (it's cooler down there), listen carefully to your heart when an intriguing offer comes your way and you'll come out with Venus' signature, centered good vibes. When Venus moves parallel to the moon, your soul is well-nourished and happy, so try to grab hold and hang on for as long as you can. It'll be a good ride.
![capricorn](/files/capricorn.jpg) Lately you've been flying high with Mercury moving to the Sun; you love to be the center of attention and have been eating it up lately. However, all good things must come to an end, I'm sad to say. Just like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't the heat, it's the humility" and I'm afraid you may be getting a taste of it soon. I'd recommend a little ice cream with your humble pie; anything to keep you cool will be a blessing to your inner chi. Mars crosses Jupiter at just the right time, though, bringing a boost to your luck and adding an extra spring in your step. You'll cruise into summer with a cool head and a better perspective than before.
![aquarius](/files/aquarius.jpg) You and I both know that for you, love in your life is not unlike climate change; smoldering, inevitable and hotter by the day. This can present something of a quandary, though, because (just like the real thing) you can't just turn it off or undo past actions with the flip of a switch. So when romance comes knocking at your door, proceed with caution; you don't want to get things too hot too quickly. You've been burned before and you'll be burned again, so beware of tunnel vision; if you keep the future in mind, you'll know what to do.
![pisces](/files/pisces.jpg) You may be feeling overlooked a little these days, Pisces, but remember that one hand cannot applaud. When you work to bring the other hand closer, you'll receive your just desserts, and they'll be sweet indeed. With Mars and Pluto facing off, you'll feel a stronger-than-usual inner conflict, but it'll bring you to an important conclusion that will help you resolve something that's been frustrating you for some time. Sometimes science trumps religion, and though it isn't as romantic as it could be, the truth is better for us all in the long run. It's good thing that you've caught this just in the nick of time.