Wise Words - Stop Global Warming Virtual March
The Stop Global Warming Virtual March is a non-political effort to bring all Americans together in one place, proving there is a vast consensus that global warming is here now and it is time for our country to start addressing it. With the support of leading scientists, political and religious leaders, prominent Americans and concerned citizens, the Virtual March on Washington will move across the United States via the Internet from one town to the next, showing the evidence of global warming's alarming affects, and highlighting real people's concerns and real solutions along the way. The March was founded by Laurie David, who believes "this is the civil rights issue of our time, they marched then and so we're marching now...virtually." She's managed to unite and virtually mobilize a remarkable and diverse crowd of celebrities, politicians and activists, all with the same goal: to stop global warming. Here is what some of them have to say:
"The virtual march is a perfect opportunity for the lazy man to do something good without having to expend any effort. This thing was made for me." -- Larry David
"I am marching because it is clear that the planet is getting warmer and warmer. Human activity is primarily responsible for it and if we don't do something to address it we will be in for progressively harder times worldwide.
"I would like to be among those who attempt to correct the problem rather than try to ignore it as so many of our current leaders and citizens do. The march will help create the necessary awareness to force the problem to be acknowledged by America's political leaders who are in denial about global warming - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., refers to them as the "flat-earthers". Like they say, admitting you have a problem is half the solution.
"This is truly a case of all being in the same boat together whether we like it or not. That's why I'm joining the global warming virtual march!" -- Jon Fishman (drummer, Phish)
"Globalization is upon us -- not because it's a great idea but because its time has come -- growing population, shrinking world. International law has and will continue to coalesce around access to earth's finite resources.
Along with the public welfare and our individual freedoms, Stewardship and Protection of these natural resources should be at the heart of our political philosophy.
What is leadership? For us (here in the US) to ignore and deny the international call for discussion and consensus on the environment is an essential failure in our role as world leaders.
The world wants to bring human activity in line with the health of the planet. And we remain asleep at the wheel. -- James Taylor
"Thousands of climate scientists agree that global warming is not only the most threatening environmental problem, but one of the greatest challenges facing all of humanity.
"We must demand a separation between oil and state. We can get off oil and slow down global warming. We can use energy more efficiently, and support renewable, clean energy sources; new green technologies that don't burn carbon, like hydrogen fuel cells, wind and solar power. We can vote for leaders who care about protecting your health, air and the environment. We can support non-profits who are making a difference. We can be environmentalists. So, get educated. Stay educated. So we can think for ourselves. And join the fight to save this unique blue planet for future generations. -- Leo DiCaprio
"If global warming had been given as a design assignment, we'd be doing really well. Unfortunately, it's the kind of design assignment that no ethical or moral designer could ever accept. Join me on the virtual march to stop global warming." -- Bill McDonough
"Global Warming is our most important environmental issue. Because it's gradual, it's easy to procrastinate. Don't." -- Huey Lewis
"Please join me and all the others on the march to end the climate crisis. If you believe in a higher power by whatever name, you surely know that polluting isn't God's work. Ending pollution is. Be there." -- Carole King
"I am joining the hundreds of thousands who shall be marching in this virtual march to demonstrate the concern that we all hold for the future of our planet and all the living things -- flora, fauna, human and animal -- that exist upon it. The governments of the world have tarried long enough, and the United States is scarcely without doubt the greatest culprit among them.
"We the people have the strength to bring our country from our weak-kneed stumbling gait in the last ranks of reason to the leadership of the great march to environmental victory.
"I want to be in that parade and if there is a place up front I'd wish to lead the band or at least be assigned a big bass drum to help pound out the rhythm of glorious success." -- Walter Cronkite