Making the Music Matter: An Interview with KEXP Radio

KEXP 90.3 FM is a non-commercial, listener-supported radio station broadcasting from Seattle at 90.3 FM and streaming in multiple formats across the world at They recently unveiled a global warming initiative and series of public service announcements to raise awareness about climate change and educate their listeners about what they can do to mitigate our warming globe. SASS Magazine had a chance to chat with KEXP DJ and Director of Programming Kevin Cole and Assistant to Director of Programming Lisa Shimizu about music, global warming and the fusion of radio and sustainable living.

SASS Magazine: As you note on your website, three out of four Americans believe that global warming is for real, but only one in three are ready to take action now. Why did KEXP pick climate change as the global problem to fight? Was there a watershed moment that brought global warming to KEXP’s attention?

KEXP: There has been a lot in the media lately about global warming. We felt that this was an issue we could and should get behind, and that our listeners would embrace. KEXP has always run PSAs, but we wanted to change our approach to run them as an intentional station-wide initiative. Global warming was the perfect issue to start with.

SM: Is the station doing, or planning on doing, anything like buying renewable energy credits, carbon offsets or extensive recycling programs to "walk the walk" and lead by example?

KEXP: We recycle like crazy and use a lot of reusable items in the kitchen. We're looking into green materials for our next CD. It’s unfortunate that in many cases environmentally responsible, organic, earth-friendly goods and services are a more expensive option, but hopefully more spotlight on the issues will help change that.

SM: What role do you think an organization like KEXP can have in a campaign against a problem that affects everyone on the planet?

KEXP: Global warming is a huge problem. Change can begin with people making changes in their daily lives. The collective efforts of individuals can be what ultimately results in changes on a bigger scale. Our hope is that by giving concrete examples of the science behind global warming and simple suggestions that will make a difference, that we can reduce carbon emissions and bring about bigger changes at higher levels. There are a lot of great organizations and programs out there doing great work for the environment -- groups like Environmental Defense, AchieveNetGreen, Puget Sound Energy's Green Energy program, for example. Bringing attention to issues, non-profit groups, and beneficial programs is part of our responsibility as a community radio station.

SM: In your view, what’s it going to take to get your listenership, in Seattle and across the world, to sit up, pay attention, and start being proactive about climate change?

KEXP: Many of our listeners are already aware of climate change and active in the environmental movement. Others may have heard about it anecdotally, but not fully understood the magnitude of the problem.

Lisa Shimizu: Seeing An Inconvenient Truth was powerful and my family and I made changes immediately: we bought a clothesline, started using reusable bags and compact fluourescent lightbulbs (CFLs), and contacted our energy provider about green energy. That's all it took for us -- understanding of the issue. Our hope is that our combination of science PSAs and action PSAs will pique listener's interest and get them to go to the website to learn more.

SM: What role do you think musicians should have in this fight? Can musicians be taken seriously and use their status as role models and voices as high-profile people to leverage real social change? If so, what do you think more should do; if not, what’s the problem?

Cloud Cult KEXP: Music has always been a voice for social change, and it's awesome to see so many musicians, labels and industry folks involved with environmental issues. One of KEXP's favorite artists, Cloud Cult, has been a huge voice for environmental responsibility. What's impressive about Cloud Cult’s Craig Minowa is that he leads by example, both in how he lives and how the band operates. Not only is the music awesome, but his label, Earthology Records, uses 100% recycled/reclaimed jewel cases, uses the highest recycled content papers on the market, with nontoxic soy inks, uses a CD replication process that involves recycling of CD cut scraps into milk cartons, and they record in a studio with an environmentally friendly design, with 100% recycled plastic lumber, soundboards made of Homasote (100% recycled newspaper), and reclaimed lumber. The flooring & decks are made from 100% postconsumer recycled plastic (PET). (KEXP morning show DJ) John Richards recently spoke to Craig about global warming, Cloud Cult, and Earthology Records, and we'll be featuring this in an upcoming podcast as part of our Global Warming initiative.

SM: Lots of people in the music industry are working hard to create positive change. Sup Pop Records is powered by green energy; bands like Pearl Jam are offsetting the carbon emissions from their tours and investing in renewable energy; Thom Yorke signed on with Friends of the Earth in the UK for their "The Big Ask: campaign; singer/songwriter Kelley Stoltz even recorded an entire record with renewable energy (note: our interview with Kelley will be included in this issue). What do you think it will take for the rest of the music industry that is infamous for its overindulgence in the rock 'n roll lifestyle, from mainstream pop to underground and independent rock, to acknowledge the problem and take action against it?

KEXP: Change comes about slowly. When enough people care about the issue and begin speaking out, it will eventually trickle up.

SM: If we could crank up the transmission power of KEXP for a minute or two, or directly hook up the live stream so that the one out of four Americans who doesn’t believe in climate change could hear, what would you say to them? How about to the two out of three who are still sitting on their hands?

KEXP: It would be cool to play scientific facts about what's happening to the planet in a neutral voice so that people hear it as a non-political, non-partisan issue. In addition, then play specific recommendations about what they can do as an individual to motivate action, so people realize they can do something and have a positive impact.

Al GoreSM: You link to, the website that supports Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth, on your global warming page. Let’s say Al Gore, who was recently spotted at MTV’s Video Music Awards and an artist or band that has made a big splash at KEXP this year, like Gnarls Barkley, The Black Angels or Band of Horses, got together and made a record. What would the music sound like, and what would the message be?

KEXP: Al Gore is really funny. He says things like, "I am Al Gore, and I used to be the next president of the United States of America." It would be cool to hear Al Gore rappin’, or doing a spoken word bit, with Common Market and the Blue Scholars! That would be most excellent.

SM: Do you have a favorite story or feel-good anecdote about global warming-mitigating efforts underway in the radio/music industry? Have you been inspired by the work of artists or other industry people, or is there someone you like to point to when people as you what good things are happening now?

KEXP: Yes, certainly someone like Craig Minowa and Cloud Cult has been inspiring (Editor's note: See our interview with Craig here). Overall, our listeners inspire us. Almost immediately after launching the global warming PSA campaign we started receiving e-mails from from listeners and artists thanking us. That is inspiring and validating. So much of the good work that is being done on behalf of the environment is being done quietly by people and groups who don't do it for money or for recognition, but because they want to help. Just hearing someone say, "Thanks, that made a difference" means a lot.

SM: Aside from following the lifestyle choices and advice listed on your website, what do you think people listening to your radio station and reading this interview should do about global warming?

KEXP: Become informed and inform others. The most important thing that people can do is learn as much as they can about what's happening with global warming and what we do in our daily lives to contribute to it, and see what changes they can make to help reduce carbon emissions. And then tell all their friends. As a station we want to inspire people to take action—to let people know they can make a difference. That there are simple, easy things we can all do that collectively could have a major impact.

KEXP DJ and Director of Programming Kevin Cole and Assistant to Director of Programming Lisa Shimizu are heading up KEXP's global warming initiative. KEXP 90.3 FM is a non-commercial, listener-supported radio station broadcasting from Seattle at 90.3 FM and streaming in multiple formats across the world at