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Buy Less StuffOne of the most important things we try to stress at SSF is that we can't shop our way to sustainability. We want people to make more sustainable lifestyle choices, but that doesn't mean "buy more stuff." In this series, focusing on simple, easy, even fun things we can all do each day, cutting back on stuff is a biggie. There isn't any way around consuming stuff, from morning coffee to midnight snack, and everything in between. So, what's the story?

B is for "buy less stuff; buy better stuff." At the end of the day, a "sustainable lifestyle" comes down to consuming no more than can be replenished in place of what you've taken, and consuming goods at their "real price" -- considering the human and natural elements that went in to that t-shirt or DVD player. It's not about buying organic food, or organic cotton, or fair trade apparel, or fair trade chocolate, and saying "Yep, I'm sustainable now." The sustainable lifestyle is just that: a lifestyle. It pervades each aspect of your daily life, and it isn't as simple as stocking up on certified humane raised & handled eggs, organic milk and vintage denim and calling it good.

When it comes time to buy (and let's face, we all buy stuff, all the time), that's when it's time to dive into the Showcase section, browse our online sourcebooks, check out the product reviews in our blog, and make a sustainable decision. Sometimes that decision won't have anything to do with "organic" or "recycled" or "certified" -- it'll be a well-designed, well-made, timeless piece of furniture that'll fit your decor no matter what's around it, and you'll use it for 25 years without needing or wanting to replace it. There is so much great style being created with a sustainable twist that you don't have to compromise aesthetics for sustainability ever again, so whatever your style, ebrace it, go with it and invest in something really worth having.

Stay tuned for more A - Z; C is for Catch a Ride, is coming tomorrow.