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ONE WORLDWith our annual membership drive starting to wind down (less than a week to go!), SSF is very happy to announce that we've added a new membership benefit, and it's a nice one, if we do say so ourselves. Every new company or organization that signs up (and every one that has this month) will receive a copy of "One World," a documentary series starring Olivia Newton-John about the Galápagos. In three half-hour episodes and an hour-long special, ten-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Harris presents these truly singular and evocative specials from Ecuador's Enchanted Islands of The Galápagos. Olivia joins researchers from the world-renowned Charles Darwin Research Station and The Galápagos National Park Service for a look at the work of naturalist Charles Darwin, exploring the amazing creatures that inspired his "On the Origin of Species" and theories on evolution - almost as controversial today as they were in Darwin's time.

Of all the specials done here, "One World" is also the first to focus equally on the people of The Galápagos as it does its famous wildlife. The programs feature extraordinary photography from veteran Director of Photography Kevin Ely and an inspired soundtrack from seven-time ASCAP Award-winning composer Tim Truman. The shows embody a genuine sense of adventure and discovery, as Olivia and her daughter Chloe embark on their first journey to this World Heritage Site and meet the people working every day to preserve and protect it. Olivia also visits with "Lonesome George," the last of the Pinta subspecies of Galápagos giant tortoise and according to Guinness, the rarest animal on Earth. SSF Co-founder Rebecca Luke was Associate Producer of the series, which is now seen in over 25 countries around the world!

We're proud to offer the DVD as a benefit of membership in SSF, and would encourage those of you still pondering it to sign up today; your membership fee is tax-deductible, gets you some cool benefits, and goes directly to support SSF's work.