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Barenaked Ladies recyclingFun loving Canadian popsters Barenaked Ladies are at it again. Jim Creeggan, who plays bass for the group, has written a nice piece in the group's blog about the group's recycling and carbon offset efforts while they're on tour. He tells an engaging anecdote about how his mom started a little recycling depot for glass and tin in his neighborhood; he's been a recycling enthusiast ever since. The group is also working hard to offset some of the carbon emissions from their current tour, and have put up some pretty impressive numbers. They're selling stickers at each of the shows; the revenue from the sticker sales goes to fund carbon offset programs. So far, the 175 stickers sold at the show in Washington, D.C., equaling 52,500 pounds of carbon offset, is the big winner, with Denver's 167 stickers and 50,100 pounds a close second. Jim finishes his post with this:

I told my mom about the recycling that we're doing on tour, and how proud I was of it. She congratulated me, and then said, “Recycling is Good, but Reduction is Better.” I hear you Mom. One step at a time.

Keep up the good work, guys! [BNL Blog] via [Ecorazzi]