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HIDO call for entries

The Humanitarian International Design Organisation (HIDO) has announced a call for entries for their latest contest. Designers of all fields around the world are asked to submit designs that will ultimately help increase the awareness concerning the violence towards girls and women in developing countries. From the site, "Unfortunately the developing world is making less progress due to the fact that girls and women are still not considered equal to men," and HIDO is hoping that raising awareness is the first step to changing this inequality. If you're a designer (or know someone who is) who believes that design can help change the world for good, the following details are for you: "The poster should be graphically attractive for young African girls and women and a dynamic and inviting message should be used to attract girls/ young women in different African Cultures, who suffer in silence, to discuss these gender based violence issues." Entries will be accepted until Friday, May 11, 2007, with the winning poster announced in June. [HIDO call for entries] via [Core77]