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Guster's green EPThe boys in Guster, long champions of the planet, sustainable living and green touring, have announced that they've teamed up with Warner Music Group (WMG) (we mentioned their green efforts in the Spotlight section awhile back) to make a pretty sustainable record. Star Pulse reports "The band has purchased renewable energy credits from Native American renewable energy company NativeEnergy to offset the manufacturing process. In addition, the packaging has been printed using soy inks on paper certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council." WMG also announced that it would make Guster’s entire catalog of nearly 1 million CDs completely carbon neutral through offsets. The band is currently on tour to support the 8-song EP, to be released on April 10; the majority of the shows are part of Guster's "Campus Consciousness Tour", which aims to "spread awareness and support for the environment as well as inspire students to get involved with earth-friendly causes." Go Guster Go! [Star Pulse] via [Ecorazzi]