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Project Earth DayAttention, sustainable stylers in New York: Architecture and fashion come together to produce the 2007 Project Earth Day fashion show, a showcase for the future of clothing featuring sustainable practices and materials from up & coming designers. Presented by Teknion, o2-NYC, Green Drinks and the New York chapter of Emerging Green Builders (part of the US Green Building Council), the show will featured the work of SSF pals aGaiN NYC, loyale clothing, Terra Plana and many more of the best in sustainable fashion. Garments made of reused material and sustainable fibers like organic cotton, hemp, soy, bamboo, seacell (seaweed), tencel (wood pulp) with recycled fiber fabrics such as POP (recycled soda pop bottles) and INEGO (created from corn) will strut their stuff, along with a student competition showcasing wears made from recycled and biodegradable textiles with a cash prize of $1500 and a mentorship opportunity awarded to the winner. A chic runway with a bamboo backdrop constructed from salvaged materials and flooring made from recycled detergent bottles provides the backdrop for the event.

What will we be wearing tomorrow? The beautiful future of sustainable style will be this Thursday, April 19th at the Teknion Showroom at 641 Ave of the Americas (here's a map) from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Get more details at Project Earth Day's site. [Project Earth Day 2007]