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The latest edition to the Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSLO) family of multimedia products is www.wholeliving.com, the online home of body+soul magazine. I have to say, as sustainability resource websites go [and I know many of them], Whole Living is truly impressive. There are numerous green living ideas and resources, ranging from organic gardening and green cleaners to eco travel and sustainable fashion. But the site goes farther by really taking a broad view of health with resources on topics such as fitness, nutrition, money, and more. The site is very easy to navigate and yes, there are lots of great tips and small projects along the way to keep you busy. I must say, I think Martha Stewart may be one of the earliest adopters of 'sustainable style' out there. She's recycled and/or repurposed everything under the sun, she's advocated local/organic/home-grown food for many years, she's promoted high quality/long-lasting products AND maintaining those products for longer use, and she's always made a point of telling the story behind a recipe, project, or product she's demonstrating - including the connection to people and the community these items may have. Martha Stewart mainstreaming sustainability...you know the line...it's a good thing.