Magazine Sourcebook

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Welcome to the SSF Magazine Sourcebook...where sustainable style happens in the magazine industry! Come back soon and often as we frequently update the sourcebooks with new links. Have a suggestion? Want to get listed? Interested in sponsoring a Sourcebook page? Simply send an email to info(at)sustainablestyle(dot)org to get the ball rolling.

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Magazine Sourcebook Sponsors

Breathe Magazine | helping to find meaning and balance in this world
Conscious Choice Magazine | be conscious, be alive
Delicious Living | feed your body and spirit
Dwell Magazine | at home in the modern world
Environmental Design + Construction | the premiere source for integrated high-performance building
Herbivore Magazine | the best in vegetarian culture
Lü Magazine | Lü means 'green' in Chinese
Metropolis | examining contemporary life through design
Natural Home and Garden Magazine | living green, living well   [formerly Natural Home Magazine]
Organic Style Magazine | fresh thinking, fresh living
Paste Magazine | rock 'n roll: it's not just for kids anymore
Plenty Magazine | smart living for a complex world
Ready Made Magazine | for people who like to make stuff
SASS Magazine | SSF's own online magazine -- the latest from the world of style and sustainability
SEED Magazine | science is culture
Surface Magazine | inspiring style and design innovation
The Surfer's Path | the first 100% green surfer mag
Wallpaper Magazine | international design interiors and lifestyle

The Journal of Sustainable Product Design | Balancing economic, environmental, ethical and social issues in product design and development

Environmental Paper Network | "Harry Potter" series

resources | Recycle your old books and get paid: just price it, pack it, ship it, and cash in
Papyrus Australia | banana tree fiber paper from Australia