
Pink Paddlers on Tribal Journey

Filed in: fashion | mobility | news | sports | travel | youth

Pink Paddlers
I recently took part in the 2008 Paddle to Cowichan, BC, the destination for this year's Tribal Journeys event that takes place each summer in which Tribes from around the Puget Sound and Canada paddle traditional canoes to a host tribe. I was invited by Dannny Marshall, Tribal Leader of the Steilacoom Tribe to be part of their canoe family along with the Carver Camp Canoe Family headed by Phil Red Eagle. The group had just finished carving a hunting canoe called "Flicker" and were getting ready to take her on her first voyage. I've been volunteering with the Steilacoom Tribe for a couple years now, helping with the website and a ethnobotanical garden. Having grown up in Steilacoom, WA it's been great fun and very rewarding to help out since the Steilacoom are not a recognized tribe so have no state or federal funding sources. So it was a big surprise and great honor to be asked to help paddle. I met many wonderful people along the journey, took many pictures, and have many wonderful memories. One of groups that impressed me greatly was the Pink Paddle Canoe Family. They not only paddled many miles with the other 100 or so canoes on the journey, they did it to raise awareness for breast cancer and to honor the many people who have survived or have been lost to cancer of any type.

One of the first statements in our SSF vision is "seven generations" which honors the wisdom of native peoples to act today in ways that respect and benefit those who come seven generations after us. So the opportunity to participate in the 2008 Tribal Journey was very meaningful for me personally and for SSF. I am very humbled to have been part of the journey, to paddle alongside the Pink Paddlers, as well as the many other Tribes that took part in this year's journey.

Livity gives sustainability a Boost

Boost Mobile recently created their Boosted campaign, essentially a lifestyle brand infused with art, music, and pop culture. What makes things different is they partnered with designers to produce a line of accessories and other devices that captures the essence of the today's mobile and youth lifestyles while highlighting people and planet issues. A great example is one of their first partnerships with Livity Outernational. The accessories pictured to the left are just such an example...100% organic cotton and great design. You can find these and other Boost x Livity merch at our alter-ego site More 'Boosted' Partnerships to come soon so stay tuned...

Interior Design Scholarships

Gradon over at Design Boston has put together an awesome list of scholarships for interior design students. IFDA, ASID, and IIDA are all there and as Gradon points out, there aren't many folks applying for them. As they say in Vegas...them's good numbers.

Build Your Own Green Child!

Filed in: consumer products | youth
Power House Projects
Seattle - (Shannon) Now this is seriously cool: a Power House kit that teaches about regenerative energy sources, photosynthesis, greenhouse construction, cooking with solar power, all kinds of good, green stuff. Apparently, you can even make your own chewing gum. Developed by physicist Uwe Wandrey and produced by Thames and Kosmos, this kit is a fun way to educate kids (and adults) about making wise use of resources.

According to the story in the Power House Experiment Manual, a group of people live on an island with no phone, no pool, no pets. They have only the resources nature and the island provide, so they must use what they have carefully. The kit teaches you to live sustainably: you build a model house that has solar panels, a windmill, a greenhouse, a desalination system, a solar cooker, a solar hot water tank, etc. Robinson Crusoe would have given Friday up to the cannibals in exchange for one of these kits. There are 70 experiments and 20 building projects designed to educate about the basic principles of natural energy sources. Get your kids ready either for a science fair or to survive on Gilligan's Island, or just teach them some nifty, hands-on, sustainable science as they build an electric car and make their own sauerkraut.

Some of the projects include: build a sail car and discover how wind can be harnessed by sails and wings to produce energy. Bake bread in your own solar cooker. Get energy from sunflowers. For ages 12 and up. Prices on the Internet range from $119 to $149.

Film - Bling and Blood Diamonds

Carmaker Scion's independent film series Route has produced some pretty amazing films. One that is currently touring the US is Bling: A Planet Rock by award-winning New York based documentary filmaker Raquel Capeda. Bling connects the world of hip hop with the blood diamond associated civil war in Sierra Leon and does so with no holds barred. Three hip hop celebs - Raekwon (Wu Tang Klan), Paul Wall and Reggaetón king, Tego Calderon - head back to the country to check out the current state of affairs. The Scion tour is almost up, but keep an eye for it to make the rounds on its own.

Cupcakes for a Cause

Now here's a campaign we LOVE! Did you know that October 15-21 is National Cupcakes for a Cause Week in support of CancerCare for Kids? Well, neither did I until I saw a segment on the Today Show. The website has a listing of cupcake makers around the US where you can take part and even a 'make your own cupcake' section (as you can see in our SSF inspired cupcake to the right. Enjoy! Sean

America's Next Top [Role] Model

You may have all heard that America's Next Top Model has gone green. I'm still waiting to see how it all plays out, but so far, I'm impressed. They're living in an eco-friendly mansion, producers are giving them tips on eco-living, and they're running around in a biodiesel bus. Not only have they put in some good green tidbits, there are several other ways in which this season's girls may actually turn out to be more than just pretty faces. There are some smarties in the group, an aspiring model with a disability, and Tyra even made the bold move of banning smoking from the show after a photoshoot on the topic. We'll keep a close eye on this one.

Summer in Seattle

Summer Rayne OakesIt was a busy green week in Seattle. It all started with a book signing and panel discussion at Seattle Green Fashion Week where SSF good friend Summer Rayne Oakes did a great job discussing sustainable lifestyle choices along with Leslie Hoffman of Earthpledge, Method Co-founders Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry, Nau guru Jill Zilligan and new entry into the Seattle sustainable style scene, Aladdin.

It just so happened that Method was also in town for their Detox Seattle campaign and threw a great launch party at SAM's Olympic Sculpture Park Friday night. The big finale fashion show at the end of the week was absolutely amazing and of course Summer, who both MCed and modeled in the show, also did an outstanding job. Here's Summer's take on things and what would a green Seattle event be without Grists's two cents.

An Inconvenient Truth, Kids-Style

Filed in: events | seattle | youth

Shimizu Climate Presentation in GristOne of the critiques about Al Gore's documentary version of An Inconvenient Truth (what?! You haven't seen it yet? Get a copy of the DVD and watch it!) is that, while chock-full of information, was a little hard to swallow for those in the audience who weren't well versed on the theory and general science behind global warming. To help spread the message to a more diverse audience, Al Gore has begun training people from around the globe to give their own version of the slideshow he presents on the film; the idea is that different people can put a different spin on it, to appeal to the audience they're likely to encounter while presenting in their individual community.

One of the lucky folks chosen for an early round of presentation training was Lisa Shimizu, whom keen readers will remember from our interview with KEXP radio last summer for the music issue of SASS Magazine (read the interview here). We wanted to talk to the hip, listener-powered station about their recently (at the time) unveiled global warming PSA, encouraging their listeners in Seattle and around the world (via their live stream) to take action to fight global warming in their lives, and Lisa was the one heading up the campaign. Lisa went to Nashville, Tennessee to meet with and get trained by Al Gore, with the promise that she take her version of the show on the road and spread the word about climate change. She recently began presenting her show, tailored to youngsters, here in Seattle, and our friends at Grist were there to check it out. As it turns out, the message translated, as Shimizu's presentation was well-received by young and old(er) alike -- check out the full article for details on what it's like to teach global warming to first graders. Kudos and a big thumbs up to Lisa & Grist for helping to preach the gospel of global warming to an audience that will really have to do something about it: kids. [Grist] and [KEXP's Global Warming PSA]

Poster Design Competition from Humanitarian International Design Organisation

HIDO call for entries

The Humanitarian International Design Organisation (HIDO) has announced a call for entries for their latest contest. Designers of all fields around the world are asked to submit designs that will ultimately help increase the awareness concerning the violence towards girls and women in developing countries. From the site, "Unfortunately the developing world is making less progress due to the fact that girls and women are still not considered equal to men," and HIDO is hoping that raising awareness is the first step to changing this inequality. If you're a designer (or know someone who is) who believes that design can help change the world for good, the following details are for you: "The poster should be graphically attractive for young African girls and women and a dynamic and inviting message should be used to attract girls/ young women in different African Cultures, who suffer in silence, to discuss these gender based violence issues." Entries will be accepted until Friday, May 11, 2007, with the winning poster announced in June. [HIDO call for entries] via [Core77]

Campus Climate Challenge: Up to 351!

Filed in: news | youth

Campus Climate ChallengeWe love to see this kind synthesis: the Campus Climate Challenge has brought together more than 30 leading youth organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada to help stop climate change. The Challenge leverages the power of young people to organize on college campuses and high schools across Canada and the U.S. to win 100% Clean Energy policies at their schools. At the time of this writing, there are a whopping 351 schools signed up to take the challenge; it's great to see so many young, educated people getting involved (plus, you gotta love the logo!). The Challenge is growing a generation-wide movement to stop global warming, by reducing the pollution from our high schools and colleges down to zero, and leading our society to a clean energy future. Click here to learn more about the Challenge, and join up here. [Campus Climate Challenge] via [Eco-Chick]

Native Snow Riders take to the slopes

Ross AndersonI was completely blown away and inspired by this latest find in the sports world. Founded in 1996 by Olympic Downhiller and World Freestyle Champion Suzy Chaffee and Colorado Ute Unity Leader, Alden Naranjo, the Native Voices Foundation is a unique partnership between First Nation tribes, ski resorts, and sports legends to both honor and heal the past, as well as provide hope for the future. NVF was established to provide an opportunity for First Nations youth in Canada and the United States to learn and excel in alpine sports. Their latest project, Snow Riders, is doing just that and even includes a Winter Olympics bid. Sustainable wisdom is a big part of NVF's programs as well. From

Eco-Elmo in the making

the H RacerCould this be the next Elmo-esque toy craze? The H-Racer from Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies is a toy hydrogen car. It comes with it's own fuel cell refueling station that creates hydrogen fuel by combining solar power and water. Apparently it doesn't run for all that long, but that's because it's fuel cell is so small. But hey, still way cool for any budding eco-kid on the block. I remember having many a remote-controlled car growing up...all battery powered of course. The H Racer is like a chemistry set and toy car combined.

The Green Guide's Top Ten Greenest Schools

Filed in: news | youth

With the majority of the students in the US and the world soon to be or already back to school, it's time for The Green Guide's annual publication of their survey to find the "greenest schools" in the US. The criteria set for the program involve not just the usual suspects of recycling programs and non-toxic cleaning products, but also LEED certification for buildings, campus green space, procurement and transportation policies, and electricity from renewable sources. These green schools don't just make the buildings healthier and cleaner; it seems that the best also incorporate education about the natural world, the community, and the students' place in it. The top ten schools (eleven, actually, since there were a couple ties) are:

  1. Punahou School (private), Honolulu, HI
  2. The Willow School (private), Gladstone, NJ
  3. Desert Edge High School (public), Goodyear, AZ
  4. East Clayton Elementary (public), Clayton, NC
  5. Conserve School (private), Land O'Lakes, WI
  6. Ross School (private), East Hampton, New York
  7. Michael E. Capuano Early Childhood Center (public), Somerville, MA
  8. Clackamas High School (public), Clackamas, OR (tied for 8th place)
  9. Washburn Elementary School (public), Washburn, WI (tied for 8th place)

Current TV

I've said it before and I'll say it many times more I'm sure. Current TV is the coolest thing on television these days. I get addicted everytime I turn it on. I could spend the whole weekend watching pods on everyhing under the sun. Just watched pods on journalism in Iraq, pop-culture christians in Philidelphia and Hotel Chelsea. Best part is the pods are produced by pretty much anyone and everyone, folks from all walks of life.

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