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Craig Minowa KEXP podcastCraig Minowa, frontman and visionary behind the band Cloud Cult and Earthology Records, is featured on KEXP radio's latest episode of their "Music That Matters" podcast (we interviewed both Craig and KEXP for the latest issue of SASS Magazine, all about music). Morning host John Richards sits down for chat with Craig about his efforts to make more sustainable CDs and lifestyle choices, and talks about the kind of things we should all be doing to walk a more sustainable path every day. We really enjoyed the interviews with both Craig and KEXP, and it's great to see rock bands and independent radio really getting in to the sustainable lifestyle gig; the more they can show that rock 'n roll can be sustainable, the more other bands and radio stations will catch on and help spread the word. To hear what Craig & John have to say, subscribe to the podcast. [Cloud Cult] & [Earthology Records] via [KEXP Radio]