Recognizing the tremendous advancements made in industry, building, media and public policy that move the world toward a sustainable and secure future, Global Green's Designing a Sustainable and Secure World Awards will be presented tonight in New York City. The event features a reception and eco-auction, followed by dinner and a program that features a discussion with Green Cross International Chairman Mikhail Gorbachev. Award honorees include Goldman, Sachs & Co. (receiving the Corporate Design Award), Tesla Motors (receiving the Industrial/Product Design Award -- we've mentioned them not once but twice), Sundance Channel (receiving the Media/Entertainment Design Award) and Bank Of America (receiving the Green Building Design Award).
The event will include a presentation on Global Green & Brad Pitt's Sustainable Design Competition (check out our coverage of the winners) for New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, and awards will be presented by Edward Norton, Josh Lucas and Steve Curwood of "Living on Earth."
Much like SSF's Outstanding Sustainable Style Achievement (OSSA) Awards, Global Green (who received an OSSA Award in 2005) aims to recognize and inspire more of these achievements. They believe that the sustainable designs of these remarkable companies and individuals deserve to be applauded and celebrated in order to inspire others toward a similar path and to encourage our honorees to shine ever brighter in their endeavors. [Global Green] via [3r Blogging]