Summer has arrived, and that means it's time to dust off your stuff, move off your duff, and get outside. 'Tis the season to surrender to powers of wanderlust; there is nothing like a long, sun-soaked day in the middle of June that seems to last forever to inspire and renew the human spirit as the sun tracks slowly across the sky, dangles above the horizon and finally succumbs to the cosmos and the first star of the night. So roam, ramble, rove, stray, traipse and meander wherever the heart desires.

If you haven't been bitten by the travel bug, why not stretch your legs and get some exercise instead? It's the perfect time of year to engage in sport, and there is an awful lot happening this summer. Athens is home to the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, and for the first time since the first modern Olympic Games began in 1896, they're back in Greece. Read all about their attempts to create 'the greenest games ever.' A little closer to home, groups like the Action Sports Environmental Coalition are making huge sustainable strides as they synergize and energize youth, sports and sustainability; Frank Scura tells us how. It won't be summer forever, though. Not to worry; sustainable strides happen all year 'round. Just check out the used brake pads turned into the world's most well-traveled bookshelves, and athletic-shoe insoles made into drink coasters in 'The Future of Industrial Design.' So enjoy summer, while it lasts, and while you're out and about, take a look around as the world makes sustainable strides all around you.


Collin Dunn
SASS Magazine Editor-in-Chief and Errant Wanderer
f e a t u r e s

Getting Frank

Frank Scura, CEO of Eco Resolutions and founder of the Action Sports Environmental Coalition, explains how he got from Michael Moore to Jerry McGuire in only three moves. He knows that the children are our future, and Frank knows how to get them to listen. Plus, how do skateboarding, Doritos, P. Diddy, McDonalds, and Britney Spears all relate? Frank tells it like it is.

Concrete in the Jungle

Discover the sublime relaxation waiting to be found at Hix Island House, an eco-retreat tucked away in the shadow of Puerto Rico. Recipient of "2002 U.S. EPA Environmental Quality Award," the resort thoughtfully harmonizes simple elegance with ecology: private, open-air terraces look out toward Caribbean beaches; water collected from the outdoor showers gives back to the surrounding tropical forests, where indigenous guavas, bananas and lemons grow. The pool is always cool in Vieques.

How Green the Games?

Ten years ago, Lillehammer hosted the first green Olympic Games ever. Six years after that, Sydney made a quantum-leap forward with the greenest games yet. Now, in 2004, Athens has the chance to build on the legacies of those before them, but have they? The environment is the third pillar of Olympism, right behind sport and culture, but it turns out that may not make much difference.

The Future of Industrial Design

Used brake pads, old paint chips, athletic shoe insoles, newspapers and aluminum cans, headed for the trash. Junk, right? Nope. You'll never guess what a pile of junk can be worth to those with a little imagination, inventiveness, and the ability to ask the question, "what would happen if...?"

d e p a r t m e n t s
Staff & Contributors
Everyone behind this issue of SASS Magazine.
Wise Words
A few of our favorite notable quotes and quotable notes.
Heir Brains
Youthful pontification on the state of the world and the way things ought to be.
Confessions of a Sustainable Mind
Sean Schmidt is leaving on a jet plane.
Green Eye for the Great Buy
has taken computers back to nature with their all-natural, wood-encased keyboards, mice and flat-screen monitors.
Fab Find
is a virtual shopping center filled with stylish green products that will make any hipster proud to be wearing hemp.
Sustainable events happening all summer long.
on the cover:

Bob Burnquist
skates with his
daughter, Lotus,
at LOHAS 2004
in Los Angeles

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